Tuesday, June 2nd 2020
Microwave assault. Have you heard of it? Probably not.
Trust me, it’s a strange thing to talk about, but we got to talk about it like we need to talk about many other things these days.
Some of the craziest things we come to know about in life are from hearing people’s stories, and certainly not from schools. What I am going to tell you today is one such.
I had no clue about such a thing four years ago. I lived through it, that’s how I know. At the very beginning, when I began to get a grasp of what was going on, I spoke to folks about it and realized that there was no point talking about it. People didn’t understand. Its that hard to relate with, and it can sounds so out of the world. The situation can get life threatening, but I had no option but to understand the situation in-depth. Since then, my research on this has been on, and I know for sure what it is today, with so much clarity.
First thing I’ll say is that you have to know about it because you can fall victim to it in a strange enough situation. Second thing I’ll tell you is that I am lucky to be still alive, even folks who know what I am having to deal with must be wondering the same. I have managed to because I gathered some know how of defending myself to an extent, and my only option being left to know what's going on.
There are some folks who know what I am talking about, but most don't. I also clearly see how many folks before me must have fallen victim to it. I can also imaginge how dificult it must have been for folks who went through and were helpless not knowing what was going on. There’s so much stuff that I can tell you about it, so much I have learnt, and so much I did to discover the nature of it, but it cannot be all told here today. I began writing this because I quickly wanted to communicate to folks about what has been going on and how things have picked up intensity in the recent days. I will put out whatever I can today, and I will continue to do so gradually. Today was distinctly bad, but it has been intense since the memorial day weekend. Prior to that it has been going on everyday. It has been nothing but torture.
Microwave, or electromagnetic energy is being used as a weapon today to assault people covertly. It seems it isnt new, although I came to know about it only four years ago. The idea, it seems, is almost 40 years old. Aparently it was initially used as a weapon to disperse crowd. It seems to have made rapid progress in the recent past along with other technological advancements but in complete disguise. Today, I believe it has advanced to a level to be able to induce a cardiac arrest on a person from an adjoining area or room in less than an hour. My understanding is that it has been used mostly as a political weapon, to threaten folks and to silence folks. But I am beginning to believe that it has many ugly use, and folks here and there are beginning to use it as well. The technology has been kept under the covers for obvious reasons, although there has been activist and organizations that have made several attempts to petition a ban on it. But then, for obvious reasons, it has not been done so yet. It is a very effective covert weapon, and it requires some level of organization to use it. I am begining to realize that this must have been used to carying out assassination that leaves no trace. The assault itself won't be difficult to detect if enforced on broader grounds, but there must be folks that do not want the detection to be widely available.
So how did I fall into this situation. It’s a messed up story, and a very difficult one too. I am a victim of circumstance, I believe. It started back in 2015, towards the end. I was in Atlanta, GA. I had a very social lifestyle then. A lifestyle that was easily noticeable. I hung out in the bars a lot, I hung out with many female friends, I spoke my mind out, I was just living life. To the sore eye it probably came off ugly. There’s a racial element to the story, although it is not the most prominent one from what I understand. And the worst part, it has become far more complex today as things never stopped. It continues on till today, and I can clearly see how many folks must have been involved and draged into this. The way I look at it today, after having seen and known from varying angles, is that there were folks that were on the edge around that time. Like being angry for political reasons. If you look at the timing, Obama’s presidency was nearing to an end but there were folks that were agitated to a whole different level by then. Then they see this little Asian guy living a lifestyle that just jumped out, given the circumstances then. So it was beginning to sore the eyes of folks that were in a position with abilities to do things on folks. I began hearring words here and there that folks from the intelligence were trailing me, which became really bad progressively. I didn't understand why. There were so many rumors that got floated around, i guess so that folks can invent reason to mess me up. There were rumors that I am a pimp, a drug dealer, a child molester, a terorist, a spy, and what not. It was unbelievable. My life got turned upside down. I lost my job as I spiraled down. There’s so much more detail to the story that I cannot put them together here today. But minute crazy details are there in the story. Eventually I began to experience this microwave thing, which turned into a nightmare. My first remembrance of the experience was while I was under the shower one evening. After the shower, I was gradually beginning to feel a burn on my scalp. Not like a burn by fire or anything, but much milder, But the sensation was gradual. And my heart began thumping like I have never experienced before. I already knew something really messed up had happened. I quickly got out of the apartment, because I knew it wasn’t safe. I had been suspicious that something unusual was taking place in the apartment for days then. I hear the sound of wire of some kind running through the walls a few times, in the spread of few days building up to the crazy events. I knew it was coming from the apartment above. At some point, I talked to the apartment folks and said I wanted to know what was going on there. I was told that it was a model apartment, which came as a shock to me. I had neighbors living there at some point not too long before. I wrote a letter to the apartment complex complaining about it and what not. Anyway, that apartment turned into a nightmare, my life turned into a nightmare, and I immediately fled to India. I fled means I ran. I left everything in my apartment and I literally ran for my life. I didn’t do anything wrong. I didn’t hurt anybody. I was systematically disable, very methodically, I had to run otherwise I would have been killed. I was angry, I wanted to talk about it. Then comes chapter two in India, which I mostly have it as voice memos. Crazy stories again.
Anyway, what just came striking to me just now is that the time I fled to India was exactly four years ago around this time. The steam of election was on exactly four years ago too then. And I remember May 30th or 31st 2016 was mother’s day, or roundabout. I remember so because on mother’s day, I was physically attacked.
I was back in the US in summer of 2017, almost a year later I fled from Georgia. I was not going to return back to Georgia, although I love Georgia. I came to California. I was expecting drama to say the least. By that time the drama had set to a larger stage. To no surprise, the coverts continued on with their microwave arsenal here at California as well. By then things were becoming clear as to what happened. I was victimized for no reason. Some folks made some really incompetent decisions and went on to destroy my life. My understanding is that they thought they were going to get rid of me in a flush. I guess they are so used to doing such acts that they thought it will be flawless. Well, isn’t that when things gets jacked up too. They must have realized I am chasing to find what's going on. So they are running more cover-ups acts now. Which means getting rid of me. And this game has been going on since then. It has taken a huge toll on me, but I ain’t stopping either. Back in 2017 when I got back to the US, I was hoping that I will start a new life and move on. But these sh**-head never stopped. So I realized, I have no option but to fight this out, and I have been doing just that. And in the process I wanted to gather up everything I could about what's going on and leave it for folks to know the bare truth. People deserve to know this. And if I die of a cardiac arrest or some sh** like that, you have got to know what happened.
When I got back to US in mid 2017, I was almost done finishing up my previous book. The book has nothing to do with these incidents, but it Philosophy that I started to write when the rough times began. All my productive times between end of 2015 and mid 2017 was spent on sketching out the book. I was desperate to finish it when I got back here, before I got a job that pays, but there was no peace. So I decided to drive around across the US trying to finish up the book with very little money. I was very poor but I drove for a month, starting from San Francisco all the way way around and back to San Marcos. I had one hell of a trip, full of freaking incidents. I stopped and stayed at cheap motels trying to find as much time to write. There were many times I slept on the rest areas on the freeway. And trust me, during that trip, this whole chasing around, and harassing was unfolding on a whole another level. That was the time when I learnt a great deal about these covert operatives. The microwave assault never stopped, it happened at all the places where I had stayed for more than a few days. I realized how organized the crime network is, which also says about the plentiful resources at disposal. It is unimaginable. I had recorded tons of experiences and incidents while on the road as voice memos. All writings I did during the trip were strictly focused on the book I was trying to finish up. But trust me, these elements of oppression is a pure warning sign for a healthy society.
I started on a fulltime job in the vicinity of San Marcos. I say San Marcos because I consider it to be my new home. I am sincere with my job and I have been on it since then. Folks at my work has been really nice. I love them. I am sure they see the value in me as well. I don’t typically talk about my problems to anyone except for the ones that I think will understand my situation. That too I don’t reveal much. My job that started somewhere around August 2017 or so till now has been one positively consistent thing in my life. The other consistent theme is the next Philosophy book I have been working on. I spend all my free time working on the book. The other non-stop thing that has been going on is this microwave abuse. In this much time I stayed at a few places. At the onset, I was staying at my sister and brother-in-laws place. I didn’t have much of the problems then. I am now staying at an apartment complex. And it has been a whole another story again. I have stayed in two diffrent apartments in the same complex so far. A year in the first. That year was fucking crazy. I have so many memories or incidents jotted down from there. Many many incidents. Some of them very disturbing. Then I moved on to a new apartment, in a new building. I was hoping that things will get better. I am still in that apartment now. This is another bizarre story unfolding as I speak. It was a new building when I moved in. I am now shocked to discover what I am dealing with. Before the Covid days, I didn’t realize much. But now, as I am locked in most of the time in my apartment, this microwave sh** is on a whole new level.
Have I talked to the cops and the apartment management. Yes, I have. It isn’t easy to describe the situation. It doesn’t help either. I am sure the police knows whats going on, I’ll be surprised if they didn’t, but my understanding is that their hands are tied. They probably aren't able to do much because a larger thing seems to be in control here. The apartment folks have nothing they can do either. Everything is happening under the cover. Everything about it seems to be methodically planned to evade detection, although it becomes obvious over time. The folks involved also run around in a carefree manner, as if no one can do anything to them. Like they are the masters of the rule. I am sure there must be folks that knows something isn’t right here. In all this time, I have been carefully studying what this whole thing is about. And I know a great deal about how they operate.
In terms of frequency, it may not be all microwave, but a broad energy band may be in use to have diffrent effects. Overall, it is electromagnetic energy in use for sure. I have an enormous amount of data I have collected from the make-shift instruments that I built. It isn’t so easy to detect it on a shoe string budget for sure, but I have found ways to know what’s going on. The energy is released in discrete patterns to evade detection, in burst of short pulses. Well, there's so much I have understood about this crap. It must be known to public and something should be done about it.
The most obvious effect is on the heart. The heart will increase in speed and pressure, which will make you anxious. It begins to effect the vision, and I think that may have to do with the pressure on the eye. The brain for sure is effected by it. I believe the brain begins to stress and swell, like in a mild concussion, exerting preasure on the eye. Besides the effect on vision, a prolonged exposure can cause the eyes to produce mucous, which I believe is also due to preasure on the eye. The effects, for most part, goes away in less than an hour upon distancing away from the effected environment. A prolonged and repeated exposure over days starts effecting the skin causing mild rashes. It may have to do imbalance on the ph factor of the skin, which may have to do with the effect on bacteria that lives on the skin. I am not sure. It can cause severe migraine headache as well. My understanding is that folks who make such weapons may have an idea of how to cause certain effects.
One thing I have learnt distinctly is the effect on mood. It can cause the mood to drop suddenly. In public place where I have been effected by it, I have observed a sudden drop in the mood of people. It does not happen frequently in public places, milder in intensity compared to what I have experience in my apartment. By now I can imediately tell when that thing is present. That is purely from experience, otherwise I doubt people realize the effect it has. I think children are more sensitive to detect it as well. In the apartment I am living in, this sh** goes on daily. Almost round the clock in the recent Covid days. The folks engaged in orchestrating this has to be in this complex, perhaps in immediate vicinity. Although I sense a barage of other folks on the streets covering them when they are installing something or doing something. I doubt folks doing this, from around the vicinity, realize that its effect them as well, although not as much as it effects me. I feel sory for the folks that got draged into this crap. I don't understand what the real instigators must have told them or convinced them of, but they sure have to be suffering the effects of this. And this has been going on for a long time. The electromagnetic energy bleeds out as well, through the electrical circuits and what not. So it must effect folks in the vicinity on some level, and I will not be surprised if folks develop cardiac diseases in the long run.
There’s so much more that I have to say. So much more that I have to show. But that’s all for today. I will put up some online links here tomorrow for you to find more details to this abuse, as well as eforts from folks to ban such a thing. I am exhausted today.
I have so many snipets of memoirs like this one below. When I read them, it opens up raw wound of memories. It is such a sick experience, and sickness being brewed in the society.
Sept 14th 2019, Saturday 4:57 PM PlaceX, San Marcos It was bad, like real fucking bad. My heart rate was doing 135 or something which I checked while I drove up here. After I got here, I just sat for a while. I tried my best such that my hands wouldn't tremble while I tried to log on to my computer. When things get this bad the most obvious is the heart rate, vision, giddiness, muscle spasm or trembling, maybe more but I cant think now. When I went to Starbucks this morning and wrote bits of the chapter Senses. After I returned back to the apartment I began to sense that things may get quite ugly, but I wasn't sure either. In-fact on my way to Starbucks I saw a huge band of folks on those sports bikes that I have become very familiar with. A swarm of 30 – 40 bikes that went roaring past around the Starbucks. It was my first sense that the day can turn into an ugly one. But I didn’t dwell on it much. It was right at the junction of Barham and Twin Oaks, diagonally across the Starbucks that I went to. I typically go to the other Starbucks at San Marcos Blvd., but it was the second time I went to this one.